A Squirrel In The Chicken Coop…

A quiet Sunday and McTufty decided it was time for lunch, which meant time to visit Tulloch.
Because it was quiet, McTufty took a good look around, including going into the Chicken Coop!
McTufty fancied a change for lunch, so wanting a lazy Sunday, opted for ground feeding & Sunflower Hearts instead of Peanuts.
But, McTufty wasn’t the only one!
The Chickens had made the same plans.
A new and unusual friendship was soon formed…


Venturing In …


And Taking A Look Around


Who’d live in a house like this?


Lunch on the ground


McTufty Keeping A Low Profile, Hoping The Chickens Wouldn’t Notice


You’re A Funny Looking Chicken!


Lets Lunch Together & Have a Wee Blether


Time To Say Farewell for Today…


…And With A Swish of the Tail, McTufty Was Gone

Going Through Changes …

Christmas and the eve of New Years Eve has given me some time for reflection, the changes life has brought in 2018 and the changes which lie ahead for 2019.
And Christmas is a quiet affair this time, just doesn’t feel like Christmas to be honest. The absence of my dear Father is probably greater than ever.
Boxing Day Morning, took a phone call from one of our closest friends, who sadly broke the news to me of another old friend who passed away on Christmas Eve, he was just 46 years old, could have knocked me over with a feather and my thoughts are with his family.
2018, I will not be sorry to see you go, though yet I hang onto you, for you are the last time I spoke to Dad.

And there have been other big changes too!
When I hit half a century in August, it was also the start of another new era…
I now have a new camera (Hope you are sitting down), am now shooting with an Olympus! (For those interested – OM-D E-M1 Mark II)

No, I did not think that I would be saying that either, but there you go.
To cut a long story short, I haven’t totally said goodbye to Nikon, have still got one body & lenses, but the D5 & the D800 have gone to new homes.
I was in two minds about all this, but am absolutely loving using The Olympus (McOly), once I got my head around the menu system (Still doing that ha ha), it is a breath of fresh air and a joy to use and you may not realise, but you’ve been looking at Olympus images for the last couple of months now.
I scoffed when my Camera Dealer was prepared to bet me that I would leave Nikon within 6 months, he wasn’t far wrong and am looking forward to shooting more with it.
I will then see what happens when Olympus upgrade & Nikon release the Z8!

Nature has changed this year at Tulloch too, Curlews were drastically down in numbers this time and there are less Deer this season, as yet not the usual amount of visitors round Tulloch Garden, hopefully we will see some once proper winter arrives, just so mild the now.
We are usually so lucky to have thousands of Geese flying over, now they’ve been flying south of Kindrogan summit, with only the odd skein passing over us.
Fieldfares arrived early, then them too absent again.
One solitary Brambling feeding here for 10 days now and one Siskin, who, is a few weeks early.
Pleased to report that some healthy looking Greenfinch have reappeared, though some Chaffinch now seem to be carrying a similar illness to Trichomonosis and here is some  Info from BTO
Christmas Day afternoon, about dusk, feeding & bedding up the Tulloch Menagerie , when a Woodcock flew low over the house & paddock, fantastic!

I will leave it here for now, with a song choice to match and I wish for better changes for us all in 2019, walk your life & make it count.
I’ll be seeing you next year – Karen – x

Kelly & Ozzy Osbourne – Changes


The Dunnock & The Holly






Overcast …

Woke during night, but actually managed to stay in bed til 7am! And then it was Barclay who made sure I got up.

Nice morning again, but more cloud appeared. Got bread made for guests and even set on giving espresso machine a good clean.

11am Deer appeared in field for brunch.

McDuck came out of the coop, so took the opportune moment to head on in, only to find Agnes in a nest box! Thought McDuck was eating, but saw her away doon the glen with McQuack! Hope she isn’t getting tired of motherhood already?

Perthshire Open Studios application came through, so got registered for it.

I do not think we have the brightest animals in the box! Would give fresh grit and treat sticks to the poultry and cleaned out their sandpit and got fresh sand in and all they did was stand at outside of fence looking through, wondering how to get to it all! Gate wide open and these treats are near said gate! However, tame sheep figured it out and grit went everywhere!

You know you are tired, when trying to eat your Rice Krispies and you’re using a fork instead of a spoon! Whilst eating said Krispies, took a read of latest ‘Your Chickens’ magazine, especially article on Cockerels & aggression. Think I’ll put it in the coop for Bruce to browse over.

German guests arrived.

Tuesday 10th April – Hadn’t gotten up during the night, but tossed n turned a fair bit. Cooler morn and overcast. Up at 6 and pretty much on with jobs, then into Gallery to mount prints.

And looking out to Loch McBasil, there I saw for the first time McQuack swimming on it.

By time midday came, my M.E was playing up and I was exhausted, so time for some time out and snoozed.

McQuack totally disappeared this afternoon, but I saw him returning back up from the river around 5pm. I wonder if he’s messing around on the river with wild ducks whilst McDuck is on the nest?


Why Did The Chickens Cross The Road …

Joyous news… McDuck was not egg bound and egg no4 is now in the nestbox, so the ole honey trick must have helped? Though, did hear some duck squeals early doors.

Nae so joyous, 2.15am and boing, wide awake!

27th – Duck egg no 5 is in the nesting box. Rain most of day.

28th – And Barclays latest trick is barking and chasing the Collared Doves out of the garden. I don’t ask why!

got a hen egg this morning.

Finally got print order finished and that’ll be 200+ to mount & more to frame when they arrive!

Then it was time to start tackling the Gallery! Big clean down, rearranging, new stock in etc. I WILL be ready for this Easter Weekend!!

Peter called by, good to see him as always and good to talk.

Totally forgot to have my scone on Sunday, so fed it to the Chucks today.

Tame Sheep accidentally ran into back of me today, sore ankle as I type

29th March – early doors was -8c. Got into gallery to continue restyle, so did Barclay, who pinched a felt Haggis and ran amok with it. Wee felt Haggis is no more!

30th March – Good Friday and nae up til 5am. Dad, you’ve been gone 2 months now, how!

How very apt that McDuck begins to sit her 8 eggs today. I am beyond excited

Easter on mine own, so writing it off and working.

Birds of the week have been Wagtails & Woodpeckers, more than last year. The Thrushes have ceased with their territorial calls.

Snow has returned on lower ground.

Took Barclay and I off for a walk in the forest. Wildlife conspicuous by its absence.

Returned home to see the pets running amok! Chickens were out in car park, by time I wrestle Barclay past tame sheep into hoose, chickens were heading up the glen! I had to stop traffic to drive the reluctant little sods back in! Still had walking boots on and am thinking Bruce doesn’t like Red, as he launched full scale attack on them and me!

Late afternoon, snowing again, was having 5 on sofa, all nice and quiet and suddenly Alexa says ‘Sorry I didn’t get that’.


View of the hills


View of Tulloch


View of Boots


View of Muddy Paws!!


Clocks Forward…

Ha, check me out not getting up until the new 7am!! Could have stayed in bed too, but didn’t want to tempt fate, so sprung out with a spring in my step. Felt good, mood was good. Two months today since I rushed down to yorkshire to be at Fathers bedside too.

Battle of the Woodpeckers going on during morning coffee, 3 different ones drumming, Including one near Tulloch gates like last year, so here’s hoping for young ones again

Alistair was in charge of the menagerie today, he caught egg bound McDuck, but McDuck did not projectile as previous days, not until I approached with the Vaseline & Honey & a clingfilm covered hand (Please use your imagination at this point) and I should have removed my engagement ring before this procedure! I wonder how other folk spend their Sunday mornings? Were we the only ones on the planet doing this at the moment in time?? The Ducks where nowhere to be seen for rest of the morning and even Bruce & the hens kept their distance and by now it was only 9.45am!

Full day, but Studio pretty much cleared. New shelving for Gallery arrived, managed to get 2 pieces put together!

And Jim & Audrey visited this afternoon, good to catch up as always and new extension for gallery discussed *exciting*.

An abundance of Wagtails today, which is known as… A Volery of Wagtails.

5pm, after asking Alistair this morning to move some wood he had dumped in the car park, he set to with the chainsaw! I decided to head on indoors.

Tulloch menagerie made on with the extra daylight, fastening up is going to fun from now on.


Knock on Wood …

23rd March – Woke to hear rainfall, which continued all morning.

McDuck was Egg Bound again, but was NOT going to be caught! Eventually got her and got my second covering of projectile duck poo. Also learnt today was Friday, not Thursday!!

24th March – up at 4am. Eventually got coffee, watched day break, heard Peacocks call. Found a poor Siskin stuck in a bird feeder. McDuck egg bound again, but she sorted herself out today and I just swilled the yard! Hope her managing herself is a sign of improvement??

Began to sort the Gallery out today, obviously long overdue. Several visitors today too, so the plan for tomorrow is to crack on with it!

So, an hour less in bed tonight! Not that will make any difference to me at the moment!
Mon the light nights


And looking out of the guest room window on Friday …

Duck me! Its Spring! …

21st March – First day of Spring. 1.15am? You have got to me kidding me!!! Eventually returned to bed, then up again 6.30, opened the curtains and there was a Hare sat at the front door. An early mild start, turned into cool drizzle by 9am, but that didn’t stop the Oystercatchers appearing in the field. Wonderful, young Deer up to the garden tonight. Nae so wonderful and unbelievable… the Ducks chased them off!!!

22nd March – and another 3am start! Becoming very tiring now (In every sense). A mild start to the day, pretty much all snow has gone from lower ground and things look messy. They are busy felling in Kindrogan Forest, early starts and quite noisy, but see it is opening up the hillside more below the cemetery, of course I do wonder about the wildlife. Have not walked that part in a while, so will be interesting to see. We had the most incredible birdsong going on this morning.

This morning I noticed McDuck was egg bound this morning, arrgh, would have phoned Dad for advice straight away, but instead decided to prepare warm salty for bath to help it along. Eventually caught McDuck & almost straight away, along came egg & about a pint of duck poo. I was literally covered head to toe!! Oh the joys!
McDuck would then take herself for bath in the warm water, as would I.
Which means am thinking both Ducks are female.

Took a drive to the village, hugs, tears & great service in the shop.


McDuck in a Bucket …

16th March – Day began with the so called Beast from the East pt2, basically, blowing snow.
Alistair would put the Poultry away to bed, much shouting and swearing, Bruce had attacked him. Yep, welcome to my world!

17th March – A grand Stag was walking round the garden tonight, just got the camera out and then… yep, the Poodle barked!!

18th March – A day of chores and spring cleaning.
Also, I tried Green Tea today, I won’t be rushing to try it again.

Monday 19th March –  -6c start.
Guests were away by 7am and it hadn’t even got to 8am and already the Poodle had had a Parsnip and a tub of moisturiser & Alistair,s Beanie!
It turned out to be the most beautiful morning, sunshine, blue skies, crispy snow. I heard a familiar sound, looked up to see approx 20 Curlew flying right over the house, pure magic.
And … McDuck & McQuack may not be gay after all, seems I found a Duck Egg in the coop this morning. Either that, or they’re crossing with the hens! I will be absolutely cockahoop if we get Ducklings. I texted Alistair with the joyous news. He did not reply, as he did not think it was so joyous.
Talking of the hens, we’ve had 2 eggs this last week. Spring is surely coming.
Resident Deer, Mistle Thrush & Wagtail all active this morning. Siskins have disappeared again.

20th March – Another -6c start, but sunny. Greeted with the fly over of Lapwing
Two unexpected things happened today, from two unexpected sources. One was a hug, the second was a delivery of flowers. Both lovely to receive and very much appreciated.

Two Ponds, large bath & other Birdbath & drinkers and McDuck uses the Tame Sheeps water bucket. I despair!

Songbird Survival Trust …

The snow has lost its fluffiness and is now hard & crunchy. Up to 4c this morning, was positively mafting. I would say a third of it had thawed by the end of this afternoon.

Father was a member of the Songbird Survival Trust, I telephoned them the other day to ask if it was possible for his membership to be transferred to me, this they very kindly sorted out and my membership card & pack arrived today, take a look at their site … https://www.songbird-survival.org.uk

Bruce the Cockerel was nae letting me in the coop to feed them this morning, so just managed to throw a handful in and told him that he would have to man up and step outside if he wanted more feed! 48hrs since they’ve left that coop!
Sure enough, 5min later out he stepped, reckon it was for a minute at the most.

Probably listened to every version of the lake isle of innisfree today, still no decision on favourite version.

Got guest room ready for tonights guests, which was a miracle, as I am having to keep check to see which day it is on a morning, am totally out of sync & am running a day behind! Poor nights sleep again, so felt totally crap when getting up, a sob broke out, but only for a minute, chest aches still and couldn’t manage anymore, but maybe I don’t want to? Maybe that would mean accepting things?? Told Dad I just want him back.
Folk ask how I’m doing, I reply with.. okay, but am not. But reckon folk could be going through their own stuff I am not aware of, also, whilst I’m living this nightmare and am alone with thoughts, I realise that it is one we all have to live through at some point in our lives, just different versions, different coping mechanisms etc. Those who have lived through it, will know it’s the worst, those who haven’t, will be like me a few weeks ago, not even be able to comprehend what a wrench it is, nor will you ever be ready for it when it does come.



Chaffinch at the Gate


Long-tailed tit






Siskin, Chaffinch & Goldfinch


The Quick Thaw …

Pulled back the curtains this morning, to see a fresh covering of Snow.
The day was off to a good start.
Though was short lived when I realised I had run out of Coffee!!!
Had to make do with Alistair’s Kenco.

Whilst having morning coffee, I noticed about a dozen Siskins in the garden, so they must be about to return, though these soon flitted off.
I don’t think Barclay’s constant barking helped! He was stood at the gate in full voice for a few minutes, but as I write, I still have absolutely no idea what or why.
After I had got Barclay calmed down, I let the Poultry out, fresh snow seems to send the Ducks in to a skittish frame of mind and that was it, they were soon away flying down the glen.
Then Barclays Groomer came to collect him for Spa Day, waved them off only to discover I hadn’t closed the door and there was the tame Sheep in the sunroom chewing me writing desk! Had to lure him out with a Parsnip!

Come lunchtime, the temperature had reached a balmy 4c and the Snow began to thaw quickly and I saw our first Snowdrops & Aconites.
Also, McQuack had returned. I walked down the road in search of the other Duck, but no sign of McDuck anywhere.
Got the yard brushed and then finished prepping for tonights guests.
It was then I saw a flash of something fly by the kitchen window, McDuck had finally returned. So where he had been for the last 4hrs, lord knows.
Told him anymore of that and he’ll be getting his wings clipped!
Ruddy Ducks!!!

Looked across the river to see that a Herd of 8 Fallow (Including 2 young) had appeared, haven’t seen these ones before, so will keep an eye on them. They seemed happy enough for a few hours.

By 3pm, you wouldn’t believe we had had Snow, that was one quick thaw, though pleased to see more is forecast.

Tonights guests have arrived and are here for three days Skiing.
Barclay back from his Spa Day looking and smelling all posh, but of course doubt that will last.
Another Jamie Oliver 5 Ingredients recipe for dinner tonight, okay, but looks nothing like in the book!
Still weary and hoping can get a better nights sleep tonight, thought I had improved some last night, but Alistair has just informed me that I called out for Dad again 😦


Blanket of Snow


Sheep chews Desk


First Snowdrops


And Aconites